Welcome to my adventures on New Island

Continuing stories about new residents and locals who I meet as I learn my way around my new home on New Island

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Resident Joins New Island Flock for the Holidays!

       A few of you many have read a post of mine awhile ago about a wayward Antarctic Penguin....well now we have another wayward bird, an Asian Hooded Crane has taken up residence at the wild life sanctuary.

     Normally these cranes are only found in Southeast Asia, China and Japan - and there is much speculation as to what caused the bird to take a “wrong turn” and end up here on New Island.
      According to reports, made by one of the researchers at the refuge, Melinda Alton, he has joined a flock of New Island Lavender Cranes that arrived earlier  in December; to court, nest, lay their eggs and to raise there young here in the refuge. 

          The bird has been spotted since the middle of December 2011 and he has been seen “dancing” for the “local ladies” but so far none of them have been impressed.

         "It's a great thrill," said Sarah Watson, conservation chair for the New Island Ornithological Society and a bird migration researcher, "People are coming in from all over the island to see our newest resident."
She also mentioned that the refuge is currently home to flock of Sandhill Cranes and Whooping Cranes.
If you cannot make the journey to see the cranes in person, check out their WebCam.

Sandhill Cranes

Whooping Cranes with their chick

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


When I was young we had a large extended family - on my father's side of the family - some lived in town and some lived a few miles out of town in the country side.  

Sunday's during the summer we would all gather at Aunt Mary's and Uncle John's house - having a picnic, drinking tea and the adults and kids would play croquet.  

Their house was almost at the time of a hill with a very large yard perfect for playing Croquet......

I always chose the blue ball, yes, folks even way back then I had this attraction to the color blue......

I miss those by gone days .......warm sun, green grass, and just being a kid.......being surrounded by family.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


complete disorder and confusion - my life is full of "Chaos" but the interesting thing about all this Chaos in my life gives me interesting stories to share - later, Sandy

Saturday, August 13, 2011

July 13, 2011 - I'm hungry!

hungry |ˈhəNGgrē|adjective ( hungrier hungriest )feeling or displaying the need for food: I was feeling ravenously hungry | children with hungry looks on their faces.• attrib. ] causing hunger: I always find art galleries hungry work.• having a strong desire or craving: he was hungry for any kind of excitement | [ incombination ] grasping, power-hungry individuals.DERIVATIVEShungrily |-grəlē|adverb,hungriness nounORIGIN Old English hungrigrelated to Dutch hongerig,German hungrig, also tohunger.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

08-02-11 Hey my Aussie Friends in Sydney - so nice to hear from you and to meet your friend 'K"!

08-02-11 Hey my Aussie Friends in Sydney - so nice to hear from you and to meet your friend 'K"!

Question for L, N and K - do you believe in Time Travel?

Well more to the point do you think in 75-100 years that someone could travel back in time? 

Or is that something like "Primary Colors of Red, Yellow, and Blue"?  Too illusive to pin down......with our present scientific knowledge?

To my other friends, I promise soon to get back to the storyline(s) ......... here is a partial map of Victoria Harbor - with some of the street names.......the girls and I have been out - "Painting the Town Red"!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday - July 31, 2001 - Find of the day!

The "find of the day", I've been on a trip to Victoria Harbor and someday I'll write more about my adventures there....and believe me you just won't believe the little things that have twisted and turned my trip into circles....but I digress - in a small antique shop - called of all things "Molly's Attic" - I found this sweet pitcher....isn't she the cutest little thing you've ever seen!  I just had to have her - I can see her now on my breakfast tray.......

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13, 2011 Wednesday - Best Friend and Chocolate Covered Strawberries

It's nice to have best friends, especially when you can go for months and not been in touch and then call and say "Let's have dinner and catch up!"  Well, that is what I did tonight.  We talked and talked just like no time had/has past since we'd seen each other.  Such a nice pleasure to have dinner and catch up.

So dear friend - you helped me tonight figure out the storyline for Part 2 of Bear and the "Flying Fish" - sometimes telling someone the story out loud is easier than writing it down......

Now where did we leave off.......?

Enough, is enough, he just takes it in his mind to grab that piece of paper and bounds out the open front door......and is off to find mommy and the "Flying Fish".

As he bounds down the stairs and dashes for cover in the bushes and stops to catch his breath - he looks around and sees a lady walking her dog down the block, dare he approach her?  The dog must have sensed he was there and started barking - and Bear bounds away!

After many hours of wandering the streets, he is no closer to finding mommy or the "Flying Fish".  And then he sees a man with a sign - he cannot read the sign but he does see the picture on it - "Flying Fish" - yes, there they are! He follows the man staying out of site.

Down the block and around the corner - and there another picture of the "Flying Fish" - but there's no water - just a door - and people waiting in line, this can't be the right place.  What Bear has found is the Restaurant celebrating its Grand Opening!

A man with a broom, chase Bear away...........

Stay turned for more Part 3 of  Bear and the "Flying Fish"!

PS - suggestions and comments are welcomed to the storyline....Sandy 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 11, 2011 - Mon. - Part 1 of Bear and the Flying Fish

"Bear and the Flying Fish"
Draft Part 1 - 07-11-11

Bear and I leave home lock stock and barrel as they say, and fly to Freemantle, Western Australia - from there we take a steam ship to Victoria Harbor on an island in the Indian Ocean - all the time we are traveling - I keep telling the him what a great place that we are moving to and he will see Flying Fish!  
Now the word, "Fish", always gets his attention, we had an aquarium and he loved watching the fish and even a time or too dipped in a paw......but he didn't enjoy getting it wet.
Once we arrive I learn than he has to be quarantined for a week, with a nice old couple, Mary and John who live in Victoria Harbor. They take in the cats that have to stay for the week before letting their owners take them to their new home.
Since our new home wasn't even started, I have arranged for Bear to stay longer with Mary and John. 
I have shown the cat a picture of the Flying Fish and Mary and John have reinforced that the he will see the Flying Fish, but he has to wait until the house is done so that we can move in.  
One day he spies a piece of paper - with a picture of the "Flying Fish" on it - but he doesn't realize that the piece of paper is a flier announcing the "Grand Opening of the Flying Fish Restaurant"!  
Enough, is enough, he just takes it in his mind to grab that piece of paper and bounds out the open front door......and is off to find me and the "Flying Fish".

Stay turned for more about Bear and the "Flying Fish"

PS - suggestions and comments are welcomed to the storyline....Sandy 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 10, 2011 Sun. Belated Congratulations to the Winners of the Kite Contest

With all the excitment at the “Kite Fly-In Festival”  we negelected to announce the 1st and 2nd Place Winners - 

1st Place went to Emily Swanson of Gwynyth

with her beautiful Butterfly 

2nd Place went to Brian Eagleton of Kofu 

with his Jet Airplane

Thanks everyone for coming and making this the best 
"Kite Fly-In Festival!

Anyone who lost a brown sweater or a red and yellow beach blanket, check in with Julia.

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"Photos courtesy - Photo8.com"

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 9, 2011 - Saturday - Real World - Trying to get back to my new home

For the last few days I have been carrying around a stuffed snake - it was to be my inspiration for a new character - WHICH WAS A BOY GARTER SNAKE!  Frankly, no matter how much I tried to envision this character, who I’ve started to write about but have not yet published here - this little blue bellied, sparkly garter snake, tells me that she is a “GIRL GARTER SNAKE”!
She also proceeded to tell me that her name is unpronounceable by humans; it is something like “ssssiiiiillllyeeeee”.  She was right, it is unpronounceable I just don’t have the tongue for all those sounds. 
Well I said, ok, I give in you are a girl and I will call you “Cecily*, she who sparkles with the blue belly!!
Now she has had her introduction and I hope she will leave me alone so that I can get back to the main storyline, that is if there ever was one.....

For those who may be interested I looked up Cecily and here is what I found:
*Cecily \ce-ci-ly\ as a girl's name is pronounced SES-i-lee. It is of Latin and Old Welsh origin, and the meaning of Cecily is "blind; sixth". From the medieval vernacular form of Cecilia
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By the way I found a great pix of giraffe!  

To my knowledge there WILL BE NO GIRAFFE IN MY STORY! 

There won't be one, unless a traveling circus comes around......

But, the pix was just to cute not to post it! 
It just screams, 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011 Real World - and Sketch of Land in my new world

Bought new computer last week and I am taking "One on One" lessons, every time I take a lesson it is with a different teacher, wish there were handouts to go with the lessons.

Enough of that - Bear and I are happy and well, and we thought we'd share a water color sketch of the land where our house is being built.  I know its grainy, but its just the basis for the painting.

I love the details of the sheep grazing in the background.  They are Dorset Horned Sheep.  In fact one of the first people I met on the island was Jonas - he is a shepherd.  At the time I was living in a tent checking out 4 different beach front properties that were recommended to me.  One morning I took a walk south to Point Conception - just to the right in the sketch - and suddenly I was surrounded by sheep.  Jonas then appeared and we talked; he would talk to you all day about his sheep if you let him, but his stories are for another day.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6, 2011 Wednesday -Met a wandering photographer today!

You never know who you will meet - I was walking on the beach and I almost tripped on a photographer - he just arrived here and is not quite sure what is going on......I tried to explain, people just 'get it' and then they are here.

I was out chasing a 'Red Bee!'  The illusive, "Red Bee" - I know I saw it!

There must be a wild hive somewhere along this beach - I read a book once about how to transplant a hive and since I've never seen a "Red Bee" before - I just have to find it or its hive!

I wonder if the "honey" will be pink?  and sweeter?

Ron and I spoke for a few minutes and of course he just happened to have a small album of his photos with him.......I even chose a few that I would like to have so that I could frame them for my new house and share them.

He and I exchanged e-mail addresses....so we will just have to wait and see if we can connect again.....Oh! I hear buzzing........

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5, 2011 Announcing a new Link

With permission from a new friend I am happy to announce a new Link - to New Island!  

This place is just "unbelievable" - and the people are so friendly!

Have a great time if you decide to try the Link; come and drop by and say "Hello"!

I've been hanging out at Julia's Spa while my new house is being built just south of Sunrise beach.

I've named it "Three Chimneys"!

If I can get permission from the architect I'll post some pix of the drawings for all to see!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011 Help Me I am Lost in TIME!!!!!!

I am driving everyone around me Bonkers asking what TIME IS IT??????

I found a World Time Zone Map thinking that it would help me but it doesn't really - I called my sister who lives in Beaconsfieled, Tasmania, Australia - thinking if I could figure out the time there I could figure out the time here where I am now at Julia's Spa...but as luck has it - she is not home, that is that my sister is not at home.....go figure.

After all the excitement of yesterday - Vlad's plane is still sitting on the beach  - so far high tide has not pulled it off the beach and into the ocean.  The guys have tethered it to some rocks, but it looks a little tenuous to me.  

You know how guys are a couple of bungee cords - duck tape - rope - after drinking Flying Fish's new RED Wine that Julia's provided for her guests.. you should have heard them, "that'll hold her till we can figure a way to get her off the beach!"   

Duh!  all it needs is some gas....but by the time the party was over.....I don't think they thought of that!



Monday, July 4, 2011

Julia's Beach - Vladimir Lands safely but not on his intended runway

"Well do I have egg all over my face, yes its Vlad" -

"everything was going perfectly - until....sputter, putter, bang and I ran out of gas.....fear and panic set in quickly as I sailed over Julia's beach - everyone scattered like frightened sheep......I took a deep breath and turned slowly and landed with a PLOP on the beach!

A little shaken up, I crawled from the cockpit and to a roaring applause by the crowd, I took a deep bow and with as much dignity as I could muster, shouted, "That was one "heck" of a landing.....everyone laughed and clapped......I guess I do know how to make an entrance."

"I wonder what the lead story will be tonight on Commonwealth Chanel 11!"

Later that evening the news anchor lead with the following.."Plop, Plop Bang and Vlad lands safely but in the wrong place! "  "Way to go Vlad!"

 Anyone with photos or video please contact us. Channel 11 News Staff

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3, 2011 Julia's Spa - Kite "Fly-In Festival" - Vladimir's Surprise

Vladimir's Barn and his fully restored Fokker Triplane

Hello Everyone, Vlad, here.....

Here is my plan, I'm all gassed up and ready to FLY!  Julia's Beach is where the Kite "Fly-In" Festival is being held, and I plan to FLY-IN and surprise everyone!!!! Won't they be shocked!

Keep your fingers crossed that I don't crash and burn on her maiden flight!  That would surely put me on the late night news - I can see the Headlines......Vlad does it again, with a Splash! Video at 11 PM, tune in to Commonwealth Channel 11!   

Locals shocked when a fly over turns into a crash landing. 

Wish me luck!  Be seeing you!  

Sandy's Notes for background on story - 
Kite Festival - held on a beach near a "Julia's Spa" which approx. 10-12 north of where I am building my house  - there is this  character "Vladimir" who lives on the island - and is well known for his technical expertise of restoring old "things"  - for over a year not he has been secreted away a lot in his barn working on "something" and has been bartering  
for gasoline.  Locals have been wondering what he has been up to - and today they are going to find out.  

I've been wanting to meet him, to discuss him taking a look at "La Bella Dame" an antique sewing machine that I bartered traded some services for with Mrs. Lillian Tawicky.  I think there is more to her than meets the eye.  She has recently lost her beloved dog, Rudy and seems so sad.  She and I are going to go shopping for fabric and sewing notions, since in return for the sewing machine (and if you want to see her she is a beautiful Treadle - go to my previous blog post)....I will be making new curtains for her cottage and I am sure a few other things that she might need mending...... 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 23 - Thursday - June 30, 2011 Afternoon Tea and "La Belle Dame"

La Belle Dame – is found, she is a Beauty!

I met Mrs. Lillian Tawicky today.  She is a friend of Eleanor and Grace.  They had invited me to go with them to meet her and have afternoon tea.

Out on a screened porch I glimpsed the old treadle sewing machine, I couldn’t believe my eyes, she was just what I’d been looking for all this time.

Lillian said that she no longer could see to use the sewing machine and was thinking about trading for it. 

I told her that I was a quilter and had been searching high and low for a treadle sewing machine and asked, “What would you like for a trade?”  And quickly mentioned that I was building a home and that I don’t have anything to trade except my services as a seamstress or perhaps I could knit or crochet some things for her.

“Great, I’ll trade you the sewing machine, if you will make me new curtains for my little house”, this was a trade that I just could not pass up!

We both said, “DEAL!” at the same time and shook hands.

She was in great shape; Lillian had taken such good care of her! We made plans to go shopping for material for her new curtains and she said that she would introduce me to Vladimir.  He was really the one responsible taking care to maintain the sewing machine.

I couldn’t wait to thread her and start pedaling!

Day 22 - Wednesday - June 29, 2011 - Walking on the Beach

Crisp winter day by the sea,
A glow on your cheeks.

Morning beckons, we walk hand in hand,
Escorted by the chill of the day.

Till days end a lingering look at the sea
As the warmth of home calls to us.

-unknown Commonwealth residents taking a morning walk

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 21 - June 28, 2011 - Julia's Spa - Drilling for water and getting ready for the Kite Festival

One of the guys from the construction site was here today, he said that the crew showed up yesterday to start the test drilling for "fresh water" - Hope Traveln' Man is keeping an eye on things and not spending too much time with his new friend, Trudy!

Here at Julia's we are getting ready for the Kite Festival, the wind has been stirring things up this week, she alerts the locals, buy stringing flags along the path leading to the spa.......Here is the path with the flags -

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 20 - June 27, 2011 - Personal Note - Happy Birthday - Bill

Happy Birthday to my son, Bill......someday you will have to come for a visit to 'Three Chimneys' !
Liegen would love it here!   Love Mom

Here is my Grand-Dog Liegen, ever the couch potato!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 19 – June 25, 2011 – Sunday – Newsflash – Local Media reporting from just south of Sunrise Beach – near Construction site of Sandy’s New Home

Day 19 – June 25, 2011 – Sunday – Newsflash – Local Media reporting from just south of Sunrise Beach – near Construction site of Sandy’s New Home

There hasn’t been this much excitement since the iceberg was sighted in this same area - an Emperor penguin was sited just south of Sunrise Beach, some 3,000 kilometers (1,900) from his Antarctic home. The penguin, a juvenile male, arrived at a beach on the East Coast on Sunday morning June 26, 2011. Locals flock to see the wayward penguin!

The Commonwealth - Department of Conservation (DOC) said, “This is a rare occurrence as it was only the second recorded sighting of an Emperor penguin since the Commonwealth started keeping records".

Locals have submitted their photos for your enjoyment! 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 18 – June 25, 2011 – Saturday – Construction site of Sandy’s New Home - Traveln' Man Returns

Day 18 – June 25, 2011 – Saturday – Construction site of Sandy’s New Home - Traveln' Man Returns

To:  Julia’s Spa – Attention – Julia

Please tell “She who is to be obeyed” aka Sandy that I am back and I am her “Greek God bearing gifts of untold wealth”.

Hey Babe, what are you building here a Castle? 

I also brought the lumber and a load of compost - so I'll start building the raised flower and vegetable boxes you want - out to the left of the patio off the kitchen area.

You can come back home now, I’ve brought you a temporary shelter – Charlie is unhitching the horses as we speak!

The mail boat anchored off shore today, and I met Steve, he said you know him- you know just about everyone don’t you, well he said to tell you that he sold “Steve’s Landscape Design and Nursery and is now working on the mail boat delivering the mail.  He's much happier being back on the sea. He also said, if you hear any rumors of the New Owner – don’t believe them!

I just had to ask him, what about the new owner?  Sheepishly, he said “Well, well, she has a Lion……”

And he didn’t want the locals to get upset with him, since he didn’t know until he went back to sign the final papers and there is a sign out front that reads,

Beware of THE LION!

Oh tell Lee, I found the golf course, what a great place and that dog leg is a real dilly – not sure I’ll ever break par on that course!

I spoke to the new owner of Steve's Landscape Design and Nursery - she thinks we could put a "putting green" in the open area in front of the Orchid Greenhouse, what do you think? 

PS I brought home a love, her name is Trudy, I fell in love with her from the moment I saw her, took some time to woo her while I was gone – she ……………garbled e-mail connection….lasjkla#ofja#eioeojla…..end of line.

Day 18 – June 25, 2011 Saturday – Julia’s Spa – "Beady Eyes" speaks!

Day 18 – June 25, 2011 Saturday – Julia’s Spa – "Beady Eyes" speaks!
“Tortoise Day - Date unknown” – Julia’s Spa – Baby Pictures

“It doesn’t matter to me what the people day and date is, I just want to set the record straight right from the beginning, my name is not “Beady Eyes” …..my name is….umm just a moment, there is a nice juicy slug……munch, munch” and “those baby pictures that Julia is showing to Sandy – they are not me!”

Day 17 - June 24, 2011- Friday - Julia's Spa - Knit Nite - Sophie

Day 17 - June 24, 2011- Friday - Julia's Spa - Knit Nite - Sophie

Friday nites are "Knit Nite" - a group of locals get together at Julia's and of course what else knit and gossip....me being new - I am keeping a low profile.....from the sounds of it - if I got this right Spohie has been found!  so much discussion about Spohie, I hope that I get to meet her! 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 16 – June 23, 2011 – Thursday - Julia’s Spa – Pickling Red Onions – “Cellar Door” Sisters

Hello Sandy and Julia,

Did you have any luck finding the glass canning jars?  Sure hope you did.  As promised Eleanor and I went home a searched for our father’s favorite recipe.   He loved them on his hamburgers.

He was a fisherman and sometimes he would bring home a salmon; mom would serve them as a side dish.  She always made a batch just for him; with a dried chili.

There's lots of leeway with the spices and herbs used; such as cinnamon, cloves, star anise, bay leaf and red pepper flakes. You could easily throw in some ginger, or swap out the chili flakes for some cumin, or allspice for the cloves.
Mom’s recipe calls for 1 pound of red onions, peeled and sliced into rings.

Next make brine with 3 cups white vinegar, 1½ cups of sugar, cinnamon stick, a few cloves, allspice berries, peppercorns and 2 bay leaves.

If want you can also add a dried chili, gives them a little extra “kick” of flavor.

Next you want to bring the brine to a boil in a 4-quart non-reactive saucepan, this means don’t use a copper or aluminum saucepan.

You will simmer the onions 3 times, I repeat 3 times as follows:

1)       Simmer the onion rings, in three separate batches (that means, one-third of the onion rings at a time), for 20 seconds for each batch in the brine.

Remove onions to a baking sheet using a slotted spoon to drain them, and let cool.

2)      Then you repeat that same cooking process again; simmer the onions in three separate batches, for 20 seconds each batch.

Then drain them, and cool.

3)      Then you repeat that same cooking process again; simmer the onions in three separate batches, for 20 seconds each batch.

Then drain them, and cool.

Finally you chill the brine thoroughly.

 Once chilled, add the onions and store in the refrigerator. 

Hope you and Julia and company enjoy them, looking forward to seeing you again, and we are so glad that Bear found you; Mary and John were frantic that Bear was lost!

Eleanor and Grace Stelladoor – pronounced “Cellar Door”

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 15 – June 22, 2011 – Wed. – Julia’s Spa

Bear stalks “Beady Eyes” in the Vegetable Garden
Julia and I are off shopping for pickling supplies, canning jars and kites, yes kites!  When the wind whips up she opens the spa to the local high school students who come down to her beach and have their annual kite flying festival.

Now while I am gone, Bear is on his own; one never knows what mischief he will get into.

I think he is out in the garden stalking imaginary mice!
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Mistress Sandy has left.

This is Bear, speaking.....

"She may think that I am stalking imaginary mice, but I am on the hunt for  “Beady Eyes”. 

I know he is here – hiding in the vegetable garden. 

I think I hear someone "munching" over in the Red Onions.......