Welcome to my adventures on New Island

Continuing stories about new residents and locals who I meet as I learn my way around my new home on New Island

Saturday, March 10, 2012

For two who inspire me

My thoughts after reading.......... 
If you can tell stories, create characters, devise incidents, and have sincerity and passion, it doesn’t matter a damn how you write. 
~ Somerset Maugham ~
One of my standard — and fairly true — responses to the question as to how story ideas come to me is that story ideas only come to me for short stories. With longer fiction, it is a character (or characters) coming to visit, and I am then obliged to collaborate with him/her/it/them in creating the story. 
~ Roger Zelazny ~
I tend to agree, but I would add short stories are postcard/letters from the characters and are scenes taken from their everyday life - novels are short stories joined together by the characters who return wanting to share with us more of there lives.
For me I see something, hear a tune, or have a dream that just won’t leave me alone - such as with the beginnings of the Jumping Rope.  It started with just a “fictional” idea to have someone send me an e-mail with the jump rope rhyme. 
I have been lucky to become acquainted with an artist, Faramond who takes a jumble of ideas that I have for a story and brings them to life in his paintings, such as the one posted at the top of my blog.  Its title “1919 Joplin” and is a corner lot in a fictional town, Putney, on New Island.  
I have also been very lucky to have a job where I work with someone who I knew high school - sharing memories of those times is such a treat.  
There are days when we start remembering those times and then a story just starts to evolve from those musings or is it that I start developing the story that leads us back to those days.....its like trying to figure out which came first the chicken or the egg!
I just wanted to say thank you to Judy and to Lee, for allowing me into their lives,  and sharing their talents with me.  ~ Travelin’ Gal ~
And now the beginning the "first sketch" for the “Jumping Rope”.