Welcome to my adventures on New Island

Continuing stories about new residents and locals who I meet as I learn my way around my new home on New Island

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Peagarden - Community Gardeners' Seasonal Tip

Remember 'Earth Hour  2012' Saturday,March 31, 2012

Folks SWITCH off all your lights 
between 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM, local time. 

Composting in the Rain

Yes folks it is that time of year - it can be raining cats and dogs one minute and then turn to bright sunshine!  Take care now to protect your compost pile from all this rain.  Our garden loves the rain, but our compost pile doesn’t!
The compost pile can turn sour and ‘very’ stinky from too much moisture during all these repeated rainstorms.
Extra or too much moisture can drown the air-breathing microbes, the good ones, from doing their job of breaking the material in the pile.
We hope that our post isn’t too late, but if your compost file is already “stinky” - go out right now and turn it to add more air and add more dry brown material, and voila mother nature’s microbes will take it from there! 

Next Breakfast meeting at the Skillet will be Sat. March 31, 2012, 7 AM, bring your plot plans!